Awards & Recognition
2024-2025 Awards 

The CAHPERD Awards program is designed to recognize members for outstanding and noteworthy achievements, contributions and/or service to the organization and/or the profession.  Award recipients must be current members of CAHPERD, unless the award criterion stipulates otherwise.   

All Award Applications are Due October 1, 2024

Criteria and Award Information

To apply you may be asked to log into a google account in order to upload the nominee's picture. 

Verne Landreth Award Material  -  Nominees are clearly outstanding in their profession, exemplifying the highest achievement in service, research, teaching, or administration. This is the highest and most prestigious award offered by CAHPERD. Past Verne Landreth Award Recipients

Keith Johannes Honor Award Material - Candidates exemplify the spirit of devoted service and, by their leadership and industry, have made outstanding and noteworthy contributions to the advancement of the profession. Past Honor Award Recipients   

Phyllis A. Blatz Exemplary Leadership Award Material   – Honors individuals who have provided unique and distinguished leadership to CAHPERD over a minimum of fifteen (15) years in any or all levels of jurisdiction, or within other aspects or projects of the AssociationPast Phyllis A. Blatz Award Recipients

Kathy Lynch Advocacy Grant MaterialThis award will be presented to an individual who is interested in advocating for the importance of health, physical education, recreation, dance and other movement-related activities as they contribute to human well-being and growth and development of individuals at the local, state and national level by participating in Speak Out Day and following up with two local or State advocacy projects. Presentation of the award will be made at the CAHPERD Conference by the Chair of the Legislative Committee, or a person appointed by the Chair.

Council Awards

Adapted Physical Education  - Nick Breit Professional Recognition – Candidates shall be individuals who have made significant contributions in, or to, the field of Adapted Physical Education.

Clark Hetherington Honor Award   - Recognizes individuals for outstanding leadership and significant contributions to their school system and/or community. Candidates shall have served in administrative positions in school, college, or community programs for a period of at least five (5) years prior to nomination.

Emmett Ashford Community Spirit Award    - Candidates demonstrate the characteristics of Emmett Ashford’s legacy.  (See nomination form for detailed description.) The nominee should be someone from the community in which the Annual CAHPERD Conference is held for the nominating year (2024 - Garden Grove, CA).

Award for Distinguished Service to Recreation    – Recognizes a member or friend of CAHPERD who has demonstrated outstanding service to the recreation profession.

Professional Dance Educator of the Year    – Recognizes a college or university professor who has a major responsibility for teaching all dance forms, (except aerobic dance).

Program of the Year Award  - The Outstanding Middle School and Secondary School Physical Education Program of the Year (POY) Award recognizes physical education programs of excellence through a process of self-assessment by the school physical education staff. 

Teacher of the Year Awards


Our Teacher of the Year Awards are sponsored by OPEN/US Games and HealthSmart. 


Teacher of the Year Application
Complete the application through the SHAPE America Link.  Select the State Application Button near the bottom of the application webpage. 

Verification of Teaching Assignment Form

This document must be from the current school year when applying. This may require individuals to get a new Verification of Teaching form signed by their principal or administrator.

CAHPERD Teacher of the Year Guidelines
*Send headshot and brief bio that may not be required in the application link to CAHPERD for promotion only [email protected]

Award criteria

    • When completing the award criteria please use the following format:
      • Do not include any identifying information (your name, school name or on school/district letter head).
      • Bold the specific criteria as a heading, then outline your qualifications in paragraph form below the bolded criteria heading (see example below). Criteria should be two-pages or less in length, single spaced, typed in size 11 Calibri font.
      • Responses to each criterion should be in one Word document. Please do NOT upload each criteria response in a separate Word document.
      • Example format for Award Criteria:
        1. Conducts a comprehensive and diverse physical education program that utilizes the Essential Components of Physical Education as reflected in the SHAPE America National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education and other best practices.

          Begin to write your response to criteria prompt 1 in unbold font underneath.

School Health Education Teacher of the Year   - The selection of the recipient(s) is based on professional preparation and experience, recognitions, professional organizations, significant contributions, and overall impact on health education or school health programs.

Physical Education Teacher of the Year
  - Recognizes outstanding physical education teachers at the elementary, middle and high school levels.

Adapted Physical Education Teacher of the Year  - Recognizes outstanding physical educators teaching adapted physical education to individuals with disabilities in programs for ages birth to adult.

K-12 Dance Teacher of the Year   – Recognizes educators who teach all dance forms (except aerobic dance) within grades K-12 in a school system.

Future Professional Scholarships

Scholarship Application

Scholarship Information Flyer

The deadline to submit is November 1, 2024.
Three scholarships of $1,000 each will be awarded during the CAHPERD Conference.
Winifred Van Hagen/Rosalind Cassidy Scholarship Award
Awarded to the highest ranked applicant
John F. Kennedy Scholarship Award

Awarded to the highest ranked undergraduate applicant
James Echols Scholarship Award
Awarded to the highest ranked minority applicant (Asian, African American, Latino or Native American)

In order to qualify for one of these scholarships, an applicant must
(Subject to change):

•Be a major in Health, Physical Education, Recreation or Dance
•Have completed (or be enrolled in) a minimum of 60 semester/90 quarter
units of college work
•Be a resident of California and attend a California 2 or 4-year college/university
•Have a minimum 3.0 overall GPA
•Be a CAHPERD member for a minimum of 30 days prior to application deadline
•Student recipients must wait one year before they can qualify as candidates for a
scholarship not previously awarded

Criteria for selection includes:
•Scholastic proficiency: Minimum 3.0 GPA required
•Leadership ability: In school, community, and professional activities
•Personal qualities: Enthusiasm, cooperativeness, high degree of individual
responsibility, initiative, evidence of good personal relations, and the
ability to work with others

Applicants must submit:
1. Completed application form
2. Three letters of recommendation
3. Transcripts of all college work (unofficial transcript or other verification of units completed by university enrollment services)